Here's where you can find selected articles, both recent and some oldies but goodies.

DCTV Celebrates 50 Years of Media Activism and Training

DCTV Celebrates 50 Years of Media Activism and Training

Few media arts centers last 50 years, let alone in Manhattan, where sky-high rents drive most out of business. But DCTV has survived for half a century. However, no celebration can be planned as long as Omicron is raging in the city. Co-founder Jon Alpert takes the long view, saying, “We want to survive, adapt, and be as relevant going forward as we have been for the last 50 years. That’s the best way to celebrate.”

The reasons behind DCTV’s success are many. But foremost among them are owning the property where they’re housed, the revenue stream from DCTV productions, and the dedication of its founders—the husband-and-wife team of Jon Alpert and Keiko Tsuno, who remain at the helm. […]

Published in the Spring 2022 issue of Documentary magazine.

Vermouth for Summer Pleasure

Vermouth for Summer Pleasure

The Future is Rosy

The Future is Rosy