Here's where you can find selected articles, both recent and some oldies but goodies.

Women Who Shoot, Sundance 2019 panel

Women Who Shoot, Sundance 2019 panel

Discussing real-world issues with a quartet of female cinematographers working in documentary, narrative and commercials.

For the second year running, Canon and American Cinematographer teamed up at the Sundance Film Festival to present “DP First: Women Who Shoot,” an hour-long panel discussion held as part of the joint series of talks held at the Canon Creative Studio on Main Street in Park City. The topic: “What does it mean to be a woman in production? Top cinematographers weigh in on their personal journey and the mission for representation in the film industry."

On the panel were four cinematographers who work in documentary, narrative, and commercials: Natasha Braier, ASC (Honey Boy); Eve M. Cohen (Ashe ’68); Naiti Gámez (Hail Satan?); and Kristy Tully (Raise Hell: The Life and Times of Molly Ivins). Each had stories to tell and tips to share with the packed house, filled with women already working in camera, grip, and electric, as a show of hands revealed. 

Topics included their pathways to cinematography; fixing the gender imbalance; their web of support; and favorite moments from their Sundance films.

A Rosé Revolution: Chiaretto

A Rosé Revolution: Chiaretto

Career profile: Robert Richardson, ASC

Career profile: Robert Richardson, ASC